hello nice reederz its dennis the vizsla dog hay trixie has calld a meeting in the bored rum i wunder wot she wants to diskuss!!!
oh boy its a party for tucker!!! maybe!!!
or maybe not!!! but at leest we git to ware hats ha ha!!!
hmm is it just me or duz spicoli seem unyoozhually uptite today???
oh hay luk mowse has a frend!!! hello littel mowse frend!!! but i gess trixie duznt like this littel fello for sum reezon
trixie dont yoo think yoo shud let bygawns be bygawns???
hmm trixie seems to be a bit eeritabul today ha ha oh hay wot is that sownd???
oh luk it is the doghowse of justiss!!! i wunder wot it is dooing heer!!!
hmmm wel wen yoo gotta go yoo gotta go!!! ok bye