hello nice reederz its dennis the vizsla dog hay wel i think i am finaly abowt to find owt wot happens to me in the fyootcher sutch that my fyootcher selvs had to come to my present self in order to chayndj wot happens in my fyootcher but there past in order to prevent the fyootcher frum coming to pass baysd on the present!!! or sumthing like that!!!
oh boy a moovee!!!
i hope it is sumthing gud!!!
aaiiiieeeeeee sparkly vampires!!!
aaiiiiieeeeee daleks!!!
aaaiiiieeeeeee … oh wayt thats me!!! hi me!!! oh wow it luks like i bekum a faymus soomoh ressler in the fyootcher!!!
whew for a minnit their i wuz wurreed that my sekund fyootcher self wuz going to show me and my first fyootcher self sumthing bad!!!
wel i gess i shud go praktiss my fyootcher soomoh ressler moovs i wil be bak layter!!! ok bye