hello nice reederz its dennis the vizsla dog hay luk at the sertifikats wot i got frum rusty for joining the skwirrel patrol!!!
now it terns owt that rusty akchooaly sent theez sertifikats weeks ago but dada beeing the slacker that he is lost them until he finaly mayd rusty send them agin and then he fownd the orijinals too can yoo beleev it???? its like he wurks for the stayt of california or sumthing
as yoo can see rusty evn sent a sertifikat for my brother tucker even tho tuckers idea of going on patrol is to luk owt into the bakyard frum mamas lap as she sits on the settee in the kitchen ha ha that wuz nice of rusty to pretend tucker chayses skwirrels maybe if the skwirrels wer mayd of buttr he wood do it ha ha ok bye
ennyway it wood hav ben nice if dada cud hav gottn theez sertifikats to me dooring the now ledjendary ninja hedjhog seedj but at leest i hav put them up now as yoo can see in this pikcher of me and tucker and trixie relaxing in the sitting room of the doghowse of justiss:
we ar just gitting reddy to enjoy a nice gaym of poker so i wil tawk to evrywun later!!!! ok bye