hello nice reederz its dennis the vizsla dog hay luk at this luvly sertifikat wot i got frum my gud frend tony:
as yoo can see this is a sertifikat of appreesheeayshun for the gud time wot we showd flat tony wile he wuz heer he got to swim with the fishes and he visited trouble in her soopervillin lair to tawk her owt of her evil wayz and he went dansing at the fred astare stoodio with mama and dada and of korse their wuz that littel insident on the way to the top seekret dog park but hay if i let flat tony no how to git their then it woodnt be a seekret ennymore wood it??? ennyway we had a lot of fun with owr littel flat frend and we hope yoo enjoyd reeding all abowt his adventchoors
as yoo can see i hav added a trofee room onto the doghowse of justiss to store my awards and sertifikats and let me tel yoo it is not eezy keeping all that wud polishd and shinee i hav had to hire a janitter from a temp ajentsee to keep up with it all and of korse sinse i hav so much top seekret ekwipment heer in the doghowse of justiss the janitter had to be fully vetted and demonstrayted not to be a ninja hedjhog or other rodent konspirator
hay janitter yoo missd a spot ovr by the window!!!! ha ha ok bye